Donate to Helping Hands for Single Moms Phoenix

We are Supported Through Generous Donations of Time, Money and Services

Helping Hands is a nonprofit, 501c3 organization; donations are deductible to the extent of the law. We invite you to be a part of the Helping Hands mission. When you donate your time, talent or funds, you assist women and children who live near (or below) poverty level. All contributions will help meet pressing needs and encourage the single mom families who are sacrificing so much right now. With your help, she will stay in school, earn her college degree and discover career opportunities that offer a sustainable income.

Arizona State Charitable Tax Credit

Helping Hands is a non-profit, 501c3 organization; donations are deductible to the extent of the law. For Arizona citizens: According to the state of AZ charitable tax plan, it is possible that the first $841 (if filing married) or $421 (if filing single) of your donation will be fully refunded to you on your AZ state tax return! To learn more about this tax credit, visit the state website: Arizona Department of Revenue.

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